Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quilting fun!

Here are some recent quilts, just can't seem to stop this quilting thing.....but then why would I want to?


Laurel H. said...

Why indeed, when you create such beautiful quilts as these? Love the fabrics in the snowball quilt, btw.

Ailsa (Cape Pincushion) said...

I love your quilts, your are so talented. I have admired them many times on Facebook and Flickr. I find myself quilting for the sheer joy of creating beautiful and colourful, yet very functional objects, what could be better?

beatstalkingtomyself said...

This has nothing to do with your post (your quilts are lovely, though) but instead it' s in response to your comment on my blog about Mrs. Bushnell. You caused me to remember the smell of the oils as we washed them in that cluttered sink using Fels Naptha soap and cool water. You're right; her kitchen was so different from a tidy mom's. Bill Evans from Elma was in the morning class with me. He was older and very talented. I stopped lessons in '55, I think.